Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Technology
- Building Blocks of SAP NetWeaver
- Web AS Architecture
Introduction to SAP Exchange Infrastructure
- Process Integration with SAP XI 3.0 (XI 7.0)
- Architecture of SAP XI 3.0 (XI 7.0)
System Landscape Directory
- Architecture of SLD
- Describing Technical Systems & Business Systems
- Landscapes and Software catalog
Designing Collaborative Process
- Introduction to Integration Repository
- Organization of Design Objects in IR
- Creating Repository' Objects.
- Data types
- Message types
- Message Interfaces
- Mapping Objects
- Mapping Templates etc..
- Importing RFC & IDOC Interfaces
- Developing" with Imported Interface Objects
- Message types across components
- Enhancing Partner's and Customer's Data types
- Mapping Application Components to Systems
- Object Versioning and Transport
- Overview
- Mapping Programs in SAP XI 3.0 (XI 7.0)
- Java Mapping
- XSLT Mapping
- ABAP Mapping
- Message Mapping
- Mapping Functions
- Context Handling Value Mapping
- User Defined Functions
- Multi Mapping
- Introduction to Integration Directory
- Describing Systems and Services
- Configuring Internal Company Process
- Configuring Cross-Company Process
- Configuring Communication channels
- Logical Routing and Technical Routing
- Transports between the Test and Productive Landscape
- Introduction to Integration Server
- Processing Steps of Integration Engine
- Proxy Runtime
- Using Runtime Workbench
- Message Monitoring
- Component Monitoring
- End-to-End Monitoring
- Introduction to Proxies
- Creating ABAP proxies
- Creating JAVA proxies
- Proxy Runtime
Integration Process (ccBPM)
- Introduction to Integration Process
- Arch. of ccBPM
- Designing Integration Process
- Controlling the process flow
- Time control and Exception Handling
- Message Bundling
- Sync/Async. Communications
- Configuring Integration Process
- Monitoring the execution of integration Process
- Adapter Framework, Adapter Engine and ADK
- File Adapter
- JDBC Adapter
- RFC Adapter
- IDOC Adapter
- Plain HTTP Adapter
- SOAP Adapter
- XI Adapter
- JMS Adapter
- Overview Of other Adapters
- File to File
- File to JDBC
- JDBC to File
- File to RFC
- File to IDOC
- IDOC to File
- ABAP Proxy (Client Proxy)
- IDOC to Flat file
- Flat file to IDOC
- XSLT Mapping
- BPM1(File to File)
- BPM2(File to RFC)
- BPM3(Multiple Files)