- Concepts of DBMS
- Introduction
- Importance and Need
- Database Models and Normalization
- Models
- Hierarchial
- Relational
- Object
- Normalization Techniques
Introduction to RDBMS
- Concepts of RDBMS
- Introdution
- Comparision with DBMS
- COOD Rules
- Normalization Revisited
- Concepts of ORDBMS & OODBMS
- Introduction to ORDBMS
- Introduction to OODBMS
- Comparision and analysis
Structured Query Language(SQL)
- Introduction to SQL
- Predefined Data Types
- Introduction to database objects
- Table,View
Commands in SQL
- Data Defination Language(DDL)
- Data Manipulation Language(DML)
- Data Control Language(DCL)
- Transaction Control Language(TCL)
- Database Security and Privileges(DCL)
Working with DDL,DML,TCL Commands
- Operators
- Conditional,Logical,Comparison,SET
- Functions
- Date,Number,Character,String,Group,Group by,Having clause
- Transformation Functions
- NVL,NVL2(9i)
- Aggregate Functions
Integrity Constraints
- Different Types of Integrity Constraint
- Use of Integrity Constraint in table
- Usage of Joins
- Different Types of Joins
- Equi Join
- Cartesian join
- Self Join
- Outer join
Sub Queries
- Need of Sub Queries
- Nested Sub queries
- Co-related Sub Quries
- Flash Back Queries (9i)
- Importance of views
- Creating,Manipulating Views
- Materialized views(9i)
Working with database objects
- Sequences and synonyms
- Index,Cluster,Creating cluster table
Using External Tables(9i)
- System Privileges
- Table Privileges
Locks and SQL Plus editor commands
- Introduction to PL/SQL
- Advantage of PL/SQL
- Data Types in PL/SQL
- Variables and Constants
- Referencing NON-PL/SQL Variable
- Using built in Functions
- Conditional and iterative Statements
- Composite Data Types
- Cursors
- Exceptions:-Predefined ,User Defined
- Records and PL/SQl table types
Advanced PL/SQL
- Introduction to Triggers
- Types of Triggers : - Row level,Statement Level
- Before and After ,Instead of Triggers
- Procedures,Functions in PL/SQL
- Argument modes
- User Defined Packages
- Dropping triggers,Procedures,Functions
- Reference Cursors
- Usage of ref cursores in Procedures,Functions,Packages