Introduction to C
- Introduction
- Declaring Variables
- Preprocessor Statements
- Arithmetic Operators
- Programming Style
- Keyboard Input
- Relational Operators
- For and while loops
- If, if else, relational operators
- Switch/case
- String and character handling
- Data validation examples
- Conditional expression operator
- Arrays
- Functions
- Additional assignment operator
- Sample programs so far
- Handling user input and Validation
- Formatters for printf() and scanf(), bit operations
- Structures
- Data conversion with itoa() and atoi()
- Files
- Pointers
- Linked Lists
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Preprocessor Statements, Macros, Conditional Compilation, typedef
- Eumerated Data Types
- Unions
- Register based variables, null statements and strings
- Command Line Arguments
- Pointers to functions
- Formatters for characters and strings
- System Calls
- Suggested solutions to all problems
- Advanced C
- Interactive tests